
Over the years, I have been asked by many of a younger type what schooling I recommend in order to get into this sound business.

Remember this is my opinion, get your own blog for yours.

In the over 20 years of doing this, My degree has never been part of the equation in getting or keeping a job.

My suggestion is determine if you are technically minded or not. If you are good at technical stuff, get yourself a BSEE. If you aren't technically minded get a Business degree and possibly your MBA. Then for your audio career, either minor in TV or Music Recording or something of that nature. Or, just go to one of the technical schools to pick up audio stuff.

Here's my logic. Both the BSEE and the Business degrees allow you maximum flexibility to get work. Both are useful in your audio career as well. What matters to production people is if you can do your job, not how you learned it or if a piece of paper says you can do it.

But, no matter what, always have a backup skill of some sort. period. Weld, roof, something. I have a friend who spent a period of time surviving by tiling floors. In my past, I delivered furniture and moved boxes in storage. Life throws curves, be ready. At least the BSEE can make more money designing circuits than any audio guy can. Some entry level business jobs can do likewise. Now you have choices, options. And when you get those kids and money gets tight, you can do them right.

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